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About Me

I was born and raised in Ketchikan. My husband and I raised our family here and our children have returned to Alaska after graduating from college. For the past seven years I have been the Executive Director of Women In Safe homes (WISH) a sexual assault/domestic violence shelter and prevention program. Before my time at WISH I served two terms on the Ketchikan 

Gateway Borough Assembly.


Additionally, I have served as a Trustee on the Alaska Mental Health Trust Board since 2022 and I have been on the board of directors of First Bank for almost twenty years. 

Family Photo

Why I am Running

I am running for office because I care deeply about the communities in House District 1. 

In my various roles I have witnessed first hand the struggles families, individuals and businesses face in District 1 and across the state. Lack of access to mental health services, closure of substance use disorder treatment facilities, food and housing insecurity and decreased access to public benefits have hindered our residents abilities to make positive changes in their lives. 

Small businesses are struggling with increased costs and lack of qualified workers. Our school districts struggle to hire and retain teachers due to budget uncertainties, stagnant pay and no defined pension program. Understaffing has caused police departments across the state to cut back their hours and services offered to the public.

Our local job market, once centered around year-round fishing and forestry jobs, has shifted to short-term, tourism-based employment. Lack of affordable housing is making it harder to attract individuals and families to Southeast and for existing families to remain. 

I am running for office because I know the challenges that face our communities, and I have a demonstrated track record of successfully tackling these problems.


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